Monday, 29 November 2010

ITAP- Lesson 7

Developing Ideational Fluency

Mind mapping is a brilliant way for practioners to explore ideas, the more ideas forming onto the mind map the more obscure they become. Mind mapping is a unique way to summarise information and to show your thought process through a complex problem. classification is an imporatant key through mind mapping as are subheadings and burrowing (branching) out of an idea. The spontaneous thinking of ideas is generated through mind mapping. A few examples;

The examples above are visually effective. The more observational and creative they are the more effective they are to the practioner. The examples above show how the practioner has engaged well with their thought processes and have used colour, type and images to effectivly display spontanivity. This is an example of my thought process for a brief on a student guide I was going to be designing.

 An artist who I find inspiring and spontaneous within his works is Rob Ryan, he goes beyond the boundries of traditional artistic methods; he uses scalpel and paper to visually capture his ideas. Here are some of his beautiful works of this year...

Managing a Creative Environment

A great inspirational workspace is the key to great ideas. Each workspace is personal to the practioner; items collected, sketchbooks, special dates, photographs even toy figurines could be shown to influence the mind of the practioner. A workspace doesn't necessarly have to be tidy, enough room needed to draw and place a lightbox maybe, however, the walls should be covered in items which inspire the practioner or work that needs to be developed. More importantly work situated at eye level so it's always noticeable and you don't forget it. A good blog which was useful in my research was: which has a long list of work spaces and places which are above the normale, also artistic and inspiring.
   My workspace at the moment is my bedroom. My room is meduim sized and I keep my laptop and lightbox ontop of my chest of draws. I also have a shoebox where I keep all my brushes and paints. I am a very organised person, although, when it comes to art I have a board where I keep collected items for inspiration. If I had my own place I would have a studio but because I am a student living at home I haven't got the say in turning half of my bedroom into a work area. However, I work around it and display work in folders and sketchbooks.

Pixar Workspace area- Inspirational. Would be my dream job
to work in an area like this. No wonder they came up with great
animated movies like Monsters Inc and The Incredibles.
Examples of collected work spaces from BCU Fine Art students, Margaret Street.





Friday, 12 November 2010

ITAP- Lesson 6


The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson (1836) is a dark fairytale for those who have read the book, the Disney story shows the girl getting the guy, well in the book the ending is very different as the mermaid turns into sea foam. It has been illustrated by many artists who have all had there own take on the story, the examples below show how they represent the time, place and point of view of the illustrator. Each illustrator would have done things differently if within their time there were more mediums to use.

Lieutenant Vilhelm Pedersen (1836)

The illustration above shows a victorian feel. Beautifully
mastered with nothing but ink. Black and white tonal work
gives greater detail to the face. The story itself is very moving
dealing with death and love, you can see that these illustrations
have alot of religion involved.

 Edmund Dulac (1911)

Dulac introduces "The Little Mermaid" into colour. Colour
used to enhance the fairytale, especially the ocean and the
sea creatures. Perdensen vision focuses on the people of the
tale, whereas, Dulac is very interested below the sea and the
emotion of the story with fine lines and detail. Dulac uses

Disney (1989)

Disney changed the tale alot, giving the mermaid
a name "Ariel". They particulary changed the
ending. They created it more for children, there-
fore the animation and bright colour appealed
to the younger audience. The creatures and people
are all simplified, imaginative and joyous. The characters
of the story also had unique voices ie. Sebastian-
Jamaican accent. Ariel looks innocent and she relates to
the younger audience, Disney made it a moral story too.

Christian Birmingham (2009)

Lastest illustrations of the original story; colourful. Birmingham has made
"the little mermaid" beautiful and it really focuses on her beauty and niavity
especially with the meeting of the sea witch. The illustrations are very realistic
with the movement of the ocean. Sophisticated and loveable.


Depending on the brief I will need to decide what the best type of communication would be. There are alot of platforms that I could choose from for example; adverts, web design, billboards, posters, magazine work, window displays, illustrations and installations. Depending on the target audience of the brief I will need to choose the best suitable outcome. A good example of this would be the persuasive techniques used for Skoda cars. Skoda cars were not very popular so the company Fallon updated them and promoted them using impressive TV adverts. The first TV advert was promoting the car for families, "The New Fabia. Full of Lovely Stuff". Creating a car out of cake with the Sound of Music soundtrack ("these are a few of my favourite things"). The advert was very clever, it did not show the fundamental and original advert where cars are driving down a long road, they stood out with this advert. The adverts appeared in shows such as Britian's Got Talent and Big Brother. It first broadcasted on May 17th 2007. Fallon has recently made a new advert for the new Fabia vRS, the advert promotes the meaner side to the car, sharing the same strapline as the orginal with a twist; "Full of Meaner Stuff". The target audience for this seems to be younger men as the advert shows a darker twist. For example the background music is still the Sound of Music but heavy metal syle. The advert also shows muscular men more like rockers (motorcyle lovers) building the car with vultures pecking at bones, men head butting and biting doors and snakes are the engine. It's another fun advertisment. They also have created a microsite where you can debate whether your full of lovely stuff or meaner stuff.


Thursday, 4 November 2010

ITAP- Lesson 5

The Hero's Journey

Monomyth- one underlying fundamental story

I will be analysing Harry Potter and the Philosopher' Stone under the influence of Joseph Campbell's theory of monomyth stages;

-Spoiler Alert-

I- Departure
  • The call to adventure= Harry recieves letters from Hogwarts, although, Uncle Vernon will not let him open one. He knows they are about him thus the thrive to read one
  • Refusal of the call= The Dursley's will not let him read the mysterious letters and they force him into hiding
  • Supernatural Aid= Hagrid the magical half-giant comes to Harry's rescue to tell him all about Hogwarts, "Your a wizard Harry" and relief him from the Dursleys
  • Crossing the first thresold= Arriving at Diagon Alley with Hagrid who tells him he is "the boy who lived", Harry then knows only now that his parents were murdered by a dark wizard
  • The belly of the whale= The fight with the troll
II- Initiation
  • The road of trials= Harry's Lessons, the fight against the troll with Ron (saving Hermonie)
  • The meeting with the Goddess= Meeting Dumbledore
  • Temptation away from the path= Draco Malfoy trying to get Harry as a companion/friend
  • Atonement with the father= Looks into the Mirror of Esided and sees his parents
  • Apothesis (becoming god-like)= Becomes brave, loyal, a good friend (Hermonie and Ron help Harry) and a good wizard (learns spells and does them correctly)
  • Ultimate boon= Going through the trap door to get the Philosopher's Stone so Voldemort can't use it to gain and become powerful once more
III- Return
  • Refusal of the return= Will carry on to Voldemort without Hermonie and Ron (who is injured)
  • The magic fight= Professor Quirrel/Voldemort last room where the Philosopher's Stone is
  • Rescue from without= Harry's mother's love protects Harry from Quirrel's touch. Quirrel dies and Voldemort vanishes but takes Harry down into unconsciousness as he does so
  • Crossing the return thresold= Wakes up in the hospital wing, back at Hogwarts where all is normal again
  • Master of two worlds= Even though Harry has only just finished first year of Hogwarts he's already seen as a legend of bravery, he goes on to become a great wizard. Points earned win Griffindor the house cup.
  • Freedom to live= happy he has the magical world. "I'm not going home. Not really"
Common Mythic Elements for Harry Potter Series...
  • Two worlds= Magical land/Hogwarts and normal mundane world
  • Mentor= Hogwarts staff and Albus Dumbledore
  • The Oracle= Professor Trelawny
  • The Prophecy= "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies ..." by Professor Trelawny
  • Failed hero(s)= Aurors-Moody, Tonks and Lupin, Fred Weasley, Hedgwig, Dobby and Dumbledore
  • Shape shifter= Use of polyjuice potion, Sirius Black as the shaggy dog or grim, Voldemort's many forms and his Horcruxes
  • Animal Familiar= Lupin as a werewolf, patronuses used by students, Harry and Snape, Voldemort's snake Nagini
  • Chasing a lone animal= Snape's patronus for Godric Griffindor's sword.

Digital Storytelling

Harry Potter is the most exciting franchise present, alongside the Twilight Saga. Fantasy films always grow a massive fan base. It wasn't long before J K Rowling became one of the richest women in entertainment. Her books became best sellers and they quickly became film adaptions. The films are still on going and the last book has been split into two parts, part 1 coming to cinema November 2010. The films have all been credited as awesome. The films were then turned into games. Using the film adaptions for the games (wider audience will know story). They turned into games for the console, handheld game and now there is even an iPhone Application where the user can learn to cast spells. The Harry Potter phenomenom also has collectors items where fans/collectors can purchase replica wands and merchandise from the films. At Disney Land Orlando there is now an Harry Potter attraction where people can venture into the replica castle and Hogsmaid- this is advertised in brochures.

Itouch App